
Host - Bacteria interactions
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
In collaboration with the group of Prof. Tom Ottenhoff, dr. Simone Joosten and Amy de Waal (Dept. of Infectious Diseases, LUMC), we study M. tuberculosis infection of bronchial and alveolar epithelial cells.

Host - Bacteria interactions
In collaboration with TNO we aim to develop a long-term microbial co-culture on primary nasal epithelial cultures.

Host - Virus interactions
We study host-virus infections with focus on Rhinovirus as an important contributor to COPD and asthma exacerbations. We study anti-viral immunity in patient-derived materials and for example in connection to whole cigarette smoke exposure.

Host - Virus interactions
Farm Dust
Together with the department of Parasitology (dr. Hermelijn Smits) we investigate protective effects of farm dust exposure of the airway epithelium in the context of asthma.

Antimicrobial Peptides
Host Defense Peptides
In collaboration with the group of dr. Mark de Boer (Dept. of Infectious Diseases, LUMC) we study the role of host defense peptides in antibiotic-resistant infections.